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Aug - 4 - 2017
Chris holds a CAPS, Certified Aging-In-Place Specialist, certification through NAHB, National Association of Home Builders. Choosing a Certified Aging in Place Specialist to work with you on your home remodeling project means you are selecting someone who has been trained by the NAHB in running a business and crafting home remodel solutions for seniors and the elderly wishing to age in place. CAPS was designed for seniors to age in […]
aging-in-place, bathrooms, Bedroom, CAPS, ceramic tile, Coastline Designs, Drywall repairs, Kitchens, Myrtle Beach Carpentry, painting, quartz, Remodeling, siding repair, specialist
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Jul - 26 - 2017
We get this question a lot, how do I keep my tile and grout clean and looking new? Everyone has an opinion about the many different cleaners you can purchase, along with varying levels of success. Here is my expert advice, this is guaranteed to keep your tile and grout clean. As well as mold and mildew free. Each and every time the shower is used, it must be completely […]
bathrooms, Bedroom, ceramic tile, Coastline Designs, Drywall repairs, Kitchens, Myrtle Beach Carpentry, painting, quartz, Remodeling, siding repair