Myrtle Beach Painting

It is truly amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do to a home or office! Sometimes simply adding an accent wall or creating some trim that can really pop off the wall is all a building needs to revitalize it. Coastline Designs can also double as a Myrtle Beach painting company if the job calls for it!

Interior: Nothing makes a bigger difference in how you feel about your home or office than a great interior paint job with the colors you love. From choosing the right color scheme to removing the last piece of tape, Coastline Designs is your painter of choice from start to finish for home and business interior painting needs.

Exterior: Improving the curb appeal while protecting your home or business from the environment are just two things that a quality exterior paint job provides. Coastline Designs can beautify and protect your most valuable asset.

9412 17 Bypass, Garden City, SC 29576
843. 833. 5403 or
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